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"It is difficult to obtain the friendship of a cat. It is a philosophical animal... one that does not place its affections thoughtlessly"
Théophile Gautier
Welcome to the website of Kamari - a small, familiar Russian Blue cattery located in South of Poland (Gliwice).
We raise Russian Blue because of their beauty and very special personality. As a member of a Cat Club Fenix (Felis Polonia) we are registered with Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe). The essence of being a breeder sums up to being responsible and at the same time gaining confidenced friendship of our cats. For our kittens we are looking for an exceptional homes , full of humans love, emotional feelings and with all human devotion to these beautiful and delicate creatures.
We share our house with wonderful Russina Blue female -Gina, with our little new quenne Kairah and with a nuetered male - Anubis. We take a great pleasure in showing our love and respect for their feline nature.
We are FELV - FIV free cattery.
KAMARI*PL - Hodowla Kotów Rosyjskich Niebieskich zrzeszona w Felis Polonia
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Zwierzę, jako istota żyjąca, zdolna do odczuwania cierpienia, nie jest rzeczą.
Człowiek jest mu winien poszanowanie, ochronę i opiekę.
Art. 1.1 Ustawy o ochronie zwierząt
(Dz.U. 1997 nr 111 poz. 724)